Miles & Miles

Chanel West Coast’s Miles & Miles video is a one of a kind production that shows an entirely different side of Chanel. Surrounded by sexy shorties in to-die-for fashions, it’s both dreamy and grungy with a haunting melody that will get into your head and refuse to leave. You’ll want this video playing in the background when you’re getting ready to go out, whether you’re about to kill it at an interview, make some paper at your job, or head out to the club.

Chanel sees you. She sees you, she sees her haters, and she sees her champions—for miles and miles.

“Will you remember me?” croons a voice in the background of Chanel West Coast’s Miles & Miles, while CWC herself spits fire, line after line. It’s a song that taunts the haters with a middle finger and an attitude full of confidence.

The song and the video come together to set Chanel apart as an artist. She doesn’t fit into everyone else’s categories. She’s too busy making her own. Who doesn’t crave that kind of inspiration?

Miles & Miles is out NOW on all music platforms: (equitydistro)

Artist: Chanel West Coast

Produced By: Rich Skillz

Mix Engineer: N/A

Sound Engineer: N/A

Mastered by N/A

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